8 February 2025

Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since.

It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year!

The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps.

Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!

There is no scientific way to choose those who are on the list, these are purely the people who I know have impacted the way I and my friends do blogging.

If you feel that we have missed anyone out, please leave a comment below.

#1 Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk Why Gary Made The List
Gary has shown the blogging world that anyone can be successful at blogging as long as they are passionate about what they are talking about. Gary is one of the world’s best video bloggers and has set a high standard for everyone else who wants to make it in video blogging. He has just released his first book “Crush It” where he shares how to cash in on your passion which no doubt will inspire thousands of new starts ups around the world.Websites
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#2 Collis Ta’eed

Collis Ta’eed Why Collis Made The List
In 3 years has gone from living in his wife’s parent’s garage to running one of the largest and most successful blog networks. Thousands of blogs have started with the aim to have a fraction of the success Collis has had in the blogging world. Collis’s network boasts over 430,000 twitter and RSS readers earning his company several million dollars a year!Websites
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#3 Darren Rowse

Darren Rowse Why Darren Made The List
Darren in the past year has gone from strength to strength, now with 3 super successful blogs and 100,000’s of RSS readers, he really does know what he is doing. Darren has monetized his Problogger website in two new ways this year, by adding a paid forum and an eBook which has influenced a lot of other bloggers to follow suit.Websites
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#4 Timothy Sykes

Timothy Sykes Why Timothy Made The List
Timothy is doing things the way they should be, you don’t have to just monetize your website with banner adverts, and you want to diversify your income so it comes in multiple streams. Timothy has earned over $150,000 in one month from his blog and makes it look so easy, check out one of his monthly blogging reports to see how he does it!Websites
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#5 Tim Ferris

Tim Ferris Why Tim Made The List
Tim is a angel investor and blogger. He was nominated as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People of 2007, and is the author of The 4-Hour workweek which has been written and sold in 35 different languages. The book hit #1 in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and was also a BusinessWeek bestseller.Websites
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#6 Pete Cashmore

Pete Cashmore Why Pete Made The List
Pete deserves to be on our list because he started the most popular social networking blog online to date, Mashable. Mashable has then acquired many authors to write daily content on the social side of the internet, including news, reviews and new web startups. Pete is an inspiration to everyone in the blogosphere.
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#7 Michael Arrington

Michael Arrington Why Michael Made The List
He is a corporate attorney who left law to become a Web entrepreneur. When he took a year off, and returned to the work world, he started blogging as a way to understand the new Web start-ups that had arisen in his absence. TechCrunch took off, and he soon found himself an accidental power broker. Another success story for those who blog about their passion and the money and success follow.Websites
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#8 Vitaly Friedman

Vitaly Friedman Why Vitaly Made The List
Vitaly made our list because he started up one of the most popular design blogs on the internet that teaches thousands of people daily principles of design. Smashing Magazine is known in every corner of the internet. The content served up on this blog daily is amazing. Designers can head over to Smashing Magazine and expect to find something new, original and juicy each and every day.
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#9 Brian Clark

Brian Clark Why Brian Made The List
Brian Clark most well known for CopyBlogger and Thesis Theme is one of my favorite bloggers because he keeps everything clean and hasn’t sold his sole to get to where he has today. His theme has been a huge hit among bloggers making it easy for those who want to customize their blog to do so. Can’t wait to see what 2010 brings…Websites
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#10 Alborz Fallah

Alborz Fallah Why Alborz Made The List
Alborz made our top 50 list because he is the creator / founder of Australia’s fastest growing automotive editorial site, caradvice.com.au. Their posts, reviews, news and photos they put up on the site makes it stand out from the competition. Alborz is a big influence to many car lovers.
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#11 Lisa Stone

Lisa Stone Why Lisa Made The List
Lisa made our list for her compassion and work she has done on her web statup, blogher. Lisa co-founded blogher.com (the woman’s blog network). Blogher reaches more than 15 million woman each month, via the website and conferences. Keep up the great work Lisa!
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#12 Yaro Starak

Yaro Starak Why Yaro Made The List
Yaro known in my circle of friends as the nice guy in blogging who lets his products and blogging speak for themselves. I have interviewed him twice and both times the wealth of information he has shared for FREE has been astonishing. For those who are new or advanced with blogging, check out his course’s as he has something for everyone.Websites
Become A Blogger
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#13 Adii Rockstar

Adii Rockstar Why Adii Made The List
Adii Rockstar is a remarkable man, which is why he has scored so high up in our list. Adii renamed himself just for marketing purposes, that’s how passionate he is. He owns one of the biggest theme websites, WooThemes, and blogs on his personal blog Adii.co.za. He has recently started video-blogging, which has been a huge success. Adii’s posts are very genuine, plus he started one of the biggest blog theme websites, that’s why he is a big influence in the blogging world.
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#14 Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington Why Arianna Made The List
Arianna made it to our list because she is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the famous Huffington Post. The Huffington post is an online styled newspaper / blog that writes about politics, business and entertainment. Arianna’s website is read by hundreds of thousands of people.
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#15 Matthew Mullenweg

Matthew Mullenweg Why Matthew Made The List
Without Matthew half of the people on this list wouldn’t be doing what they are today. Matt is the founder of the world’s best and most well known blogging software, WordPress. The reason he is on the list is because without all the new features Matt and his company release each month, we wouldn’t be having the results we are having today.Websites
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#16 James Schramko

James Schramko Why James Made The List
Another person I met at the Underground in 2009, James has really set a new standard for affiliate blogging. If you took James’s site and put it along side some of the top blogs in our list and looked at the traffic, James would only have a small fraction of their traffic but would most likely be earning more! Check out James’s website and learn how to create a affiliate funnel to bring in a lot more money from your blog!Websites
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#17 Pawan Agrawal

Pawan Agrawal Why Pawan Made The List
Pawan first came to my notice back in 2007 when he launched MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad which is a stripe advert along the top of a blog which can still be seen on some of the blogs that made this list. Since then he has released multiple new products including WordPress Wizard, an eBook teaching you how to create a successful blog and also a WordPress plugin convert text into affiliates links.Websites
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#18 Brian Gardner

Brian Gardner Why Brian Made The List
Brian made our list because he has come so far in so little time. Around 2 years ago he had never owned a domain name or touched a piece of WordPress code. Today, he has a nice blog, and offers services alongside his blogging which include WordPress theme design, Website Strategy and Internet Marketing.
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#19 Gina Trapani

Gina Trapani Why Gina Made The List
Gina is a Technophile, writer, and coder. She has her own podcast named TWIg, blogs on smarterware.org and also blogs about tech, is a programmer and also is a book author of “Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, Better”. She is also a Sun certified Java programmer who builds Firefox extensions and web applications.
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#20 Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker Why Jeremy Made The List
Jeremy made our list because of the content he publishes on Shoemoney.com Shoemoney teaches people how to make money online, something Jeremy is very good at, and passionate about. He is a very clever man, and his website gets thousands of daily readers. Jeremy is a big player in the blogosphere, and there is much to learn from himself and his website.
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#21 Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan Why Chris Made The List
Chris teaches entrepreneurs and bloggers how to use social media to build their business and brand. Chris can be seen speaking at some of the biggest events around the world and tweeting tips to his 100,000 twitter following.Websites
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#22 John Chow

John Chow Why John Made The List
John Chow, also known as the dot com mongol blogs about his life, and the miscellaneous ramblings of the dot com lifestyle. John influences many people, and teaches them how to make money online. All of Johns posts are original, fresh and interesting, not just your standard stuff. That’s why he shines over many competitors in the blogosphere. I have read Johns blog since a very early age when I was in school, back when he had just over 1,000 RSS Readers. Since then his blog has grown dramatically along with the internet. Keep up the good work John!
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#23 David Risley

David Risley Why David Made The List
David launched two blogging products this year, 3 day money and blog masters club which were both a big hit in the blogging world. David is most well known for being a 6 figure blogger in the tech industry but has recently been looked at as more of a guru to the bloggers. Look out in the coming months for the relaunch of his blogging membership website.Websites
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#24 Andy Beard

Andy Beard Why Andy Made The List
I always have know about Andy but never spent much time reading his content but earlier in the year I contacted him for a review and the wealth of knowledge he sent back in an email was just remarkable, a guy every blogger should be speaking with!
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#25 Mario Lavandeira

Mario Lavandeira Why Mario Made The List
Mario made our top 50 list because he is the founder of perezhilton.com, one of the biggest celebrity blogs. The notorious gossip columnist brands himself as queen of all media. The website has thousands of daily readers, and attracts alot of attention. Mario inspires many with his daily articles about news, celeb and gossip.
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#26 Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina Why Steve Made The List
Steve writes a blog about personal development for smart people. Although his site has a plain design, its booming with traffic, so it just goes to show content is king. Steve has his own podcast and also speaks at many events. His blog attracts more than 2 millions readers every month! His book “Personal Development for Smart People” was published back in 2008, and since then been translated in to several languages.
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#27 Heather B. Armstrong

Heather B. Armstrong Why Heather Made The List
Heather, the founder of dooce.com made our list because of her compassion as a blogger and writer. Her website makes enough money to support her family, and enabled her husband to quit his day job. Heather has wrote books which include “It Sucked and Then I Cried” and “Things I Lenard About My Dad In Therapy”. Websites
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#28 Jake and Amir

Jake and Amir Why Jake and Amir Made The List
When I think of funny videos, I think of college humor. Jake and Amir created this awesome website that attracts tens of thousands of daily readers. They have inspired thousands with their network of funny humorous videos, awesome images and funny ramblings.
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#29 Al Carlton

Al Carlton Why Al Made The List
I first met Al by accident in 2006 on Digital Point forums and somehow I got him on MSN, after a random chat I realized he was one of top earning bloggers I knew but had one of the best business models. Simply blog about what you love and the money followed, TOP bloke, making blogging a more fun place.
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#30 Robb Sutton

Robb Sutton Why Robb Made The List
Anyone who can get given over $100,000 worth of products to review for their blog in under 18 months is someone to be watching. I have been really impressed with what Robb has done in such a short time from his first blog, anyone who wants to make money reviewing products should check out his eBook.Websites
Ramped Reviews eBook
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#31 Nick La

Nick La Why Nick Made The List
Nick made the list because he has influenced so many individuals including myself from a very young age. I remember reading his first blog ndesign-studio when I was in school. Nicks artwork, blog posts and overall designs influenced so many people and his site grew very fast. He then went on to launch bestwebgallery, webdesignerwall and recently icondock. Nick is a true inspiration to the art & design side of blogging.
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#32 Daniel Scocco

Daniel Scocco Why Daniel Made The List
Daniel made this list for a couple reasons, he has a small popular blog network know as “Daily” which he earns a full time living from but the really great thing about his blogs is his following, so many people have 10,000s of subscribers but they don’t seem to take action, care what you write about or share their point of view. This is not the case with Daniel’s blog, he has a strong community built around him that everyone should aspire to have.Websites
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#33 Ewdison Then

Ewdison Then Why Ewdison Made The List
Ewdison contacted me earlier in the year when he saw me publish a post of the top earning bloggers, he mentioned he saw me it on Twitter and that he was earning over $60,000 a month from his tech blog. Ewdison has a great network of blogs where he uses several monetization techniques to make sure he doesn’t keep all his eggs in one basket.Websites
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#34 Hongkiat Lim

Hongkiat Lim Why Hongkiat Made The List
Hongkiat Lim blogs on his very well known site hongkiat.com. He teaches people daily how to design, by providing tutorials, inspirational showcases and huge sets of resources for bloggers and designers. Hongkiat is a true inspiration to now only bloggers, but web designers.
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#35 Alvin Phang

Alvin Phang Why Alvin Made The List
Alvin is most well known for being the author of his eBook “Atomic Blogging” which teaches new bloggers how to make money from a blog. Alvin has made over $300,000 from blogging in the last 3 years and when asked if he would take twice that to work a 9 – 5 job again, would he take it? Phang replies, “Of course not, I will never do it, even if I am broke because I treasure and love the freedom of being my own boss”.Websites
Atomic Blogging
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#36 Fabio Sasso

Fabio Sasso Why Fabio Made The List
Fabio started one of the most inspirational design blogs ever made, called Abduzeedo. There are some outstanding design showcases posted on there every month. His blog is all over search engine results, and he teaches thousands of people Photoshop every day. An inspirational person for sure, and that’s why he deserves to be on our Inspirational bloggers 2009 list.
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#37 Leo Babauta

Leo Babauta Why Leo Made The List
Leo runs one of the top blogs in the world with over 140,000 subscribers he sure knows what people want out of a blog, CONTENT! Recently Leo has released a new blog teaching people how to write great content for there blog and how to create better blog posts. Leo proves to us all that you don’t need no $5000 design job, just a really clean, simple theme will do the job if your writing is up to scratch!Websites
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#38 Walter Apai

Walter Apai Why Walter Made The List
Walter made our list for sure with his website WebDesignerDepot. WDD has a large twitter base of over 60,000 people. Walter writes daily articles for WebDesignerDepot, including inspirational showcases and galleries, tutorials, tips and tricks, and ramblings. Walter has inspired many with his extremely creative, original and colorful website.
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#39 Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy Why Ted Made The List
Ted Matters because he has created two great companies to help bloggers monetize their websites, them being IZEA and PayPerPost. IZEA represents over 250,000 bloggers and 25,000 advertisers worldwide. Put simply, they help advertisers identify people who will promote their products and services on their blog.Websites
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#40 David Leggett

David Leggett Why David Made The List
I first met David back in March after convincing him to come to Yanik Silver’s underground event. We both sat down in the lobby with other attendees giving out blogging advise and setting up there blogs. When I returned home to England he took my idea for IncomeDiary and brought it to a whole new level. Leggett adds the wow factor to every site he gets his hands on, if you ever get the chance to work with him, take it!
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#41 Skellie

Skellie Why Skellie Made The List
We think Skellie deserves to be on the list, because she manages all of the Tuts+ network which is owned by Envato. That Tuts+ network consists of many different tutorial blog sites including the famous PSDTuts that started it all out, NetTuts, AETuts and so many more. Its the biggest tutorial networks on the internet today and every day teaches thousands of people about design and programming.
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#42 Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner Why Rosalind Made The List
Rosalind made our list because she is a truly inspirational person. When she first started blogging, she received a first check for $10.99, and by the end of the year was turning over $5,000 a month. Rosalind blogs about affiliate marketing, blogging, content development, traffic generation, business strategy and many more topics.
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#43 Michael Martine

Michael Martine Why Michael Made The List
Michael has been exploring the web and making websites since 1997. He created his first blog in the year 2000, and since then has come a long way. Michael runs remarkablogger.com where he blogs about marketing, and also coaches individuals and large groups about blogging.
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#44 Rob Benwell

Rob Benwell Why Rob Made The List
I first met Rob back in 2006 when he spoke at Yanik Silver’s underground seminar and he shared a wealth of information about blogging, some stuff people haven’t even heard of yet! When it comes to blogging, this guy knows his stuff! 3 years old and he has made over a million dollars from blogging and from selling his best selling eBook on blogging!Websites
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#45 Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen Why Lorelle Made The List
Lorelle is most well known for helping people learn more about blogging and WordPress. On her personal blog which is surprisingly still hosted on the WordPress.com domain she gives out tips, advice and techniques for blogging and using WordPress.Websites
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#46 Chris Garrett

Chris Garrett Why Chris Made The List
Chris co-authored the ProBlogger book with Darren Rowse which shares secrets for blogging your way to a Six-Figure Income. As well as his the book and his personal blog, Chris writes for some of the biggest blogs on the internet including Blog Herald, FreelanceSwitch and CopyBlogger.Websites
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#47 Carl Ocab

Carl Ocab Why Carl Made The List
I first found out about Carl when he was 13 years old and he had launched his first main blog about making money online. Carl has made this list because he has set a standard for ALL young bloggers who want to make money blogging. He has inspired and shown that anyone young can get online blogging and make it big. Although Carl hasn’t blogged much this year, he released a premium blog theme which has been really popular among some of the top bloggers.Websites
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#48 Joost de Valk

Joost de Valk Why Joost Made The List
Joost is well known for his search engine marketing and speed to user experience, the things a lot of people forget, yet are really important. On his personal blog and at live events,  he shares tips and tricks for WordPress users to get more out of there blogs.Websites
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#49 Jack Humphrey

Jack Humphrey Why Jack Made The List
Jack runs the Friday traffic report, which is a blog on blog marketing tips. Jack talks about blog promotion, social marketing, interviews people, link building tips and many more. He also has his own radio show. Jack has influenced many bloggers, and has a huge reader audience.
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#50 Lisa Irby

Lisa Irby Why Lisa Made The List
LIsa Irby deserves to be on our list, because she created the website 2createawebsite.com where all beginners can go to find out how to create a blog from start to finish. The brainstorming process, design process and finishing result all included. Lisa has influenced many new people into creating their own blog using her forever growing guide. Also included in her free online guide are video tutorials, free blog creation software / builders and many more tips and tricks.

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